Data-Centric Digital Media & Email Marketing

How Financial Institutions Can Market During a Crisis


Crises like the current pandemic can hit financial services harder than other organizations. It can be difficult for legacy institutions to pivot and respond quickly to a situation where the needs and capabilities of customers are always in flux. 

How financial institutions communicate in these unprecedented times is key to acquiring and maintaining member loyalty. Public trust in banks may waver, but a good marcomm strategy can set your institution apart from the rest.  

Consider four important facets of marcomm that can help your business weather the storm and come out the other side even stronger— 

  • Don’t go dark 
  • Be human 
  • Offer value 
  • Consider channel usage 

Though these concepts are not new, their importance is heightened in a crisis when customers feel uneasy. A reassuring, empathetic message that offers value is critical when so much is uncertain. Customers must feel that your institution is looking out for them and has their best interests at the forefront. 

To ensure your communication in this time maintains or even increases customer trust in your organization, download our white paper.