Data-Centric Digital Media & Email Marketing

Response Media’s Framework for Brand Communications Through the COVID-19 Crisis


COVID-19 is the definition of a Black Swan Event, one that is characterized by extreme rarity and severe impact. The scale of the pandemic is massive with far-reaching implications for every man, woman, and child in the world. COVID-19 has impacted business operations and brands like nothing else in modern history.

Brands need to adapt existing communication plans to deliver more suitable responses. Yet, for the most part, the current mix of crisis communications with business-as-usual messaging is causing a dissonance. To help, Response Media offers a communications response framework (adapted from MAGNET partner agency Gravity Global).

Our goal? To enable brands to plan more impactful messaging and navigate the crisis better.

Our COVID-19 Communications Response Framework guides through four phases of this crisis: Respond, Reimagine, Rebound, and Recovery. For a partial summary, please continue to read below. To access the full Framework, download our white paper by completing the form.


As our everyday routines become disrupted, we crave stability to combat the uncertainty. Businesses have an obligation (to both employees and customers) to communicate actions they are taking to protect their health and well-being. Direct and honest communication at this stage is critical, even if all the information is not known.

What we suggest:

  • Offer help. If your brand is essential to consumers and impacted by out of stock situations, help consumers identify the best way(s) to find the products they need—even if it may be directing them to your competitor.


Despite the surrounding crisis, marketers must avoid the pitfall of becoming tactical-only communicators. As you plan for the rebound, be prepared that it will come at different times for different regions of your audience. Strategic thinking and holistic coordination across touchpoints help ensure communications don’t become siloed, repetitive, or disjointed.

What we suggest:

  • Think forward. This is a chance to unearth opportunities to do business and market more effectively.
  • Prepare your assets. The rebound will have unpredictable timing. Neither pre-crisis nor mid-crisis messaging may be appropriate, so consider your ongoing stance and get ready.


Communication during a crisis should focus on individuals, exhibit genuine care and compassion, and reinforce response efforts. As life returns to a more positive normal (and it will), strategies that emphasize product usage and benefits begin to become more critical.

What we suggest:

  • Recognize the rebound. Despite all the bad news, the rebound could be rapid and arrive sooner than conventional marketing communications planning cycles can deliver.
  • Protect your customers. Due to cost or product availability, your customers may have purchased competitive brands during the crisis. Remind people why you were their first choice and reward loyalty.


Regardless of the magnitude of a crisis, there will be a recovery and a return to “normal.” Brands must do their best to understand the difference between past and present buying behaviors and incorporate these nuances into messaging going forward.

What we suggest:

  • Mind the gap. In cases where consumers stocked up on your product, demand may initially drop. In other instances, pent up demand may return sales to a pre-crisis level.

Lastly, a tip for email and SMS messages throughout these stages:

  • Be mindful of email deliverability. Changes in send frequency or volume can impact deliverability. Throttling back versus inundating inboxes may be necessary.

Our COVID-19 Communications Response Framework can help effectively guide your marketing during this crisis. For the full Framework, download our white paper by completing the form. To address specific application to your unique needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us.